Blogs on Sales-Training

There was a time when virtual sales kick-off events were just beginning to find feet in the corporate events. Many organizations were slowly adopting this new trend. They were augmenting their in-pers read more
77% of the learning is forgotten within 6 days if it’s not reinforced When it comes to retaining information in the memory, our brain has a strict use it or lose it policy. So, it’s natural for your r read more
Welcome to the second part of the “Learning Disrupted” blog series where we discuss How corporate learning has been disrupted after the onset of COVID And, what measures can we take now to efficiently read more
March 2020 to July 2020 the period when the world-wide pandemic was at its peak. As companies around the world navigated through this pandemic, they were challenged to reimage and redesign The way th read more
What is Cross-selling? Cross-selling is, simply put, selling additional products and services to the customers along with the primary purchase that they make. Believe it or not, you may have experienc read more
Jim is an L&D manager at a large pharmaceutical company. His company has recently adopted virtual training because of the remote work scenario. Two weeks ago, Jim conducted a two-day new product virtu read more
The reality of today’s sales industry is that– work-from-home and remote selling go hand in hand. With face-to-face customer interactions becoming rare, is your sales team geared up to sell effi read more
Being in sales in the senior care industry is different. It’s a job that requires salespeople to be helping, caring, and empathetic while selling. The onset of this pandemic has opened a new set of ch read more
Consider this scenario: You are just a few days away from entering into a new quarter. You have got big plans for the upcoming quarter. You have launched a new product line and want your sales reps to read more
Today’s customers are smarter and savvier than ever before. Just with a few swipes on their smartphones, they can find reviews of Your company Your products and services Ratings of how you stack up read more