Blogs on Sales-Effectiveness

Welcome to the second part of the client kickoff meeting blog series. If you haven’t read the first part yet, here is the link to it. In this second part, we are going to go over the key aspects that read more
In today’s world of remote sales, content is pure gold. Customer-facing teams often rely on the sales enablement content to, Engage with the customers Answer their questions And close sales deals e read more
All the top performing sales organizations are the firm believers in the sales mentorship programs. A sales mentorship program is extremely crucial for the effective training of the employees and ever read more
A sales process is a set of repeatable steps that a salesperson takes to take a prospective buyer from the early stage of awareness to a closed sale. Typically, a sales process consists of 5-7 steps: read more
Most of you sales folks would agree with me when I say that closing is the most crucial and difficult part of sales. You must be using various techniques to push a sale like, “Question close” where yo read more
I hear a lot of people say that the glass ceiling in corporate boardrooms is still intact. But I do see a few cracks appearing, here and there. Today, women are running some of the world’s most recogn read more
Try to form a mental image of the following people, A door-to-door salesman A car salesman A pushy closer I’m going to venture a guess here. Most of you have had a mental image of a man for all t read more
Most often sales reps face some or the other form of resistance from the prospects. Even with the warmest of introductions, it’s pretty rare that a prospect shows confidence in your sales reps i read more
Do you have a sales plan? If you don’t then what are you waiting for? Whether you are a small size company, mid-size, or a large enterprise, a sales plan benefits everyone in your organization from th read more
Welcome to the second part of the sales plan blog series. In the part-1 of this series, we have explained, What is a Sales Plan? What are the benefits of a sales plan? What goes into a sales plan? read more